A team of students steps up to train and prepare fellow Boilermakers for competition.

Illustration showing a heart and the Earth


It’s been here almost since the very beginning—a backdrop to the ebb and flow of campus life.


An insider’s look at a university collection so valuable, the professor who built it once stole it back.


Second Chance

A Polytechnic grad turns a felony conviction into a story of transformation.

Pivotal Moment

Purdue is poised to make another giant leap in semiconductors.

Learning Through Mistakes

A professor and his wife believe that everyone deserves an opportunity to try, fail, and learn.

Reluctant Hollywood Hero

An Oscar winner takes an unconventional path to the red carpet.

Pathway to a Purpose

Purdue Global helps a youth mentor fulfill his dream.

Call of Duty

A military family uplifts others at Purdue and beyond.


Matt Folk (ECE’91), president and CEO of the Purdue for Life Foundation, joined the This Is Purdue podcast for the new “Boilermaker Bites” series. Host Kate Young (LA’12) met Folk at 8Eleven Modern Bistro in the Purdue Memorial Union, where he shared his views on Boilermaker spirit and community. As a Boilermaker himself, Folk knows how deep the Purdue spirit runs—and that it doesn’t end after graduation. It lasts a lifetime.


Matt Folk (ECE’91), president and CEO of the Purdue for Life Foundation, joined the This Is Purdue podcast for the new “Boilermaker Bites” series. Host Kate Young (LA’12) met Folk at 8Eleven Modern Bistro in the Purdue Memorial Union, where he shared his views on Boilermaker spirit and community. As a Boilermaker himself, Folk knows how deep the Purdue spirit runs—and that it doesn’t end after graduation. It lasts a lifetime.


“Spring in Indiana tippy toes in on little cat feet (with apologies to Carl Sandburg). And then suddenly, as though a switch were turned, it explodes in a riot of pastel color and life. The students emerge from winter’s layers to drink in the fresh greens, the renewal of life. The redbud and dogwood lend their delicate beauty across campus, the greenswards burst into life, and everywhere is the blossoming of young and urgent energy.” 

—From the March 1988 Purdue Alumnus  

Photograph of the Purdue Memorial Union in the spring with trees leafing out and blooming


“Spring in Indiana tippy toes in on little cat feet (with apologies to Carl Sandburg). And then suddenly, as though a switch were turned, it explodes in a riot of pastel color and life. The students emerge from winter’s layers to drink in the fresh greens, the renewal of life. The redbud and dogwood lend their delicate beauty across campus, the greenswards burst into life, and everywhere is the blossoming of young and urgent energy.” 

—From the March 1988 Purdue Alumnus  

Photograph of the Purdue Memorial Union in the spring with trees leafing out and blooming


Words and photos from the 1973 Debris

Words and photos from the 1973 Debris


Read past issues, submit a class note, or drop us a line:


Published by the Purdue for Life Foundation

Mary Monical

Visual Editor
Ginny Reynolds (T’10)

Aaron Martin (LA’94)
Nicolle Kain (LA’22, M’22)
Calandra Weaver

Keely Houk
Michael Boys (LA’12)
Stephanie Morales (LA’16)

Gerry Robiños (T’02)
Brayden Williams (LA’21)
Michael Fairchild (LA’13)

President and CEO
Matt Folk (ECE’91)

Assistant Vice President, Marketing and Communications
Steve Schlenk (BA’06, MBA’13)